Sunday, June 2, 2013

Why humans are drawn to super storms.

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Tornadoes have been the headlines in the news and creating epic devastation all over America. There is something so fascinating and humbling about watching natures disasters. Humans are drawn to this because it is the macro-scale to our micro-potential within all of us. Many a man have been swept away by nature like the courageous Storm chaser and meteorologist Tim Samaras, his storm chaser partner Carl Young, and his son Paul Samaras, were among the 11 people killed in the latest round of tornadoes and severe weather to hit Oklahoma Friday night. These brave men were subconsciously chasing a mirror image of our hidden magnitude.

That hidden potential is through awakening Kundalini.

The human spirit is drawn to chaos like a moth to a flame but there is order to this chaos.

Kundalini in yogic philosophy is explained by two twirling opposite energies like the duality of the nervous system. One is feminine the other is masculine, combined they ascend up starting at the base chakra of the spine connecting through each chakra to enlighten and give way to new human ingenuity. Einstein himself was said to do exercises to awaken his “third eye” and kundalini by doing a yogic headstand (Sirshasana) before doing his mathematical equations.

 We see this structure over and over in the universe in DNA structures, in vacuums of space, in super storms like tornadoes and hurricanes. This is the fabric and secret to the birth and transformation in life. The osculations that there are always a periods of peace and then the lure to action or chaos  ultimately creating a balance, a perfection, an all knowing complete set of possibilities.  

What are Chakras?

Chakras are energy centers that propel our being through different levels of consciousness  Think about it humans have a measurable amount of electric current running through their bodies at all times. This current propels our heart to beat. The ancient spirit sciences knew this before modern day science and also organized how to strengthen and utilize these energies. 

An easy way to begin engaging Kundalini:

Sit Indian style on the ground sitting as straight and aligned as possible. Imagine each vertebrae stacking neatly on top of the other. Close your eye and begin taking in deep breaths inflating all of your belly until it protrudes and then exhaling. Try to clear your mind. As soon as you are most focusing on the breath imagine making an infinity symbol or figure eight symbol within your body. On the inhale drawing energy from the base of the spine u through each chakra until it goes out through the head connecting to endless space and then exhaling threading that space back within your being to meet once again at the base of the spine.  You can also add in the ancient OM ૐ This is a powerful vibration that will unit you with the rest of the universe, the infinity and higher self. Try taking up yoga. 

There is no timeline to when Kundalini will start to awaken and coil unleashing her ancient interconnected-conscious wisdom but there will be signs that you are starting to awaken associated with each energy center.

The Root Chakra - you will feel complete whole and grounded. Connected to the earth and those around you. You will be okay with being alone and want to be in nature.

The Sacral Chakra - will give birth to your sense of creative self expression. 

The Navel Chakra - will propel your personal power and send you out into the world to create action. Wanting to extend yourself for the bettering of mankind rather than self but t the same time realizing it is the physical self that attains in the physical world.

The Heart Chakra - you will let go of attachments like jealousy or a need for material things. You will search for peace and a constant blissful emotion rather than fleeting emotions.

The Throat Chakra- you will begin to realizing that your thought and emotions are vibrtions. Everything you say and think is ultimately unlocking your universal potential.  You will be able to communicate your feeling and use your words only to heal.

The Third Eye- you will begin to have prophetic gift whether in dreams or  vision, maybe just a feeling. Intuition awakens and instead of fighting the universes plans you learn to live and let love. That all you have to do is invision and take the steps that feel right.

The Crown Chakra- true wisdom and selflessness is attained, universal vision and ingenuity attained to help bring in life changing tools to unite and enhance humanity. 

They don't always awaken in this order and sometimes in bits and pieces but when each layer is unfolded you will know. 

Satnam and Namaste

I know this to be true. 

My soul honors your soul I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides I honor the light, love, truth, beauty and peace within you, because it is also within me. In sharing these things, we are united, we are the same, we are one.

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