Sunday, June 2, 2013

Autoimmune Awareness

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The run-down of this article:

  •         It’s all about the money baby (opinion)
  •         What is an Autoimmune Disease?
My Theory:

  •  What is Leaky Gut?
  •  Molecular Mimicry – The logistics of intolerances
  • The catalyst GMO Crops- What these foods do to your insides.
  • The answer is in your DNA but not how you have been taught.
  • Tumor Necrosis Factor
  • Want to try the herbal approach?  (No promises here of course but hey who knows!)
     Yesterday, on a very rare occasion, I was watching television when I saw a commercial for rheumatoid arthritis. On the commercial they mentioned how rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease, meaning that the immune system is essential attacking the body-itself (I will explain in more detail later). They also state how when taking the medication, the medicated could experience a lower resistance to certain viruses, etcetera and of course they mention how the medication is not a cure for rheumatoid arthritis but simply slows down degeneration.

This is where a light bulb finally came on in my head. 

I am not sure if all medical students are taught the pathogenesis of things like autoimmune disease but I know they learn about pharmacology. I began to see a tangible, in living color example of how pharmaceutical companies use the public’s ignorance on the origin of human disease as a vantage point to make monetary gains. I knew that somewhere doctors did know this information because in that moment in time all of the bits of information I had been reading about snapped together in one big ah-ha moment to create this writing. If a simple self-taught at home herbalist could come up with a simple theory. The creators of these chemical cocktails must know the major cause of autoimmune disease. Meaning they are tricking the masses into buying a quick fix without education on the other options, which I must mention requires lifestyle change which is never the preferred route for most Americans.

So what is an Autoimmune Disease? 

Like I mentioned above the immune system is supposed to protect our body from foreign antigens when a person has an autoimmune disease the immune system starts attacking itself.

There are many forms and types of autoimmune-inflammatory diseases some examples include:

  •        Celiac’s disease or other inflammatory bowel diseases
  •         Psoriasis
  •        Thyroid Disease
  •         Lupus
  •         Type I Diabetes Mellitus
  •         Multiple Sclerosis
  •         Scleroderma
  •         Rheumatoid Arthritis
  •         Fibromyalgia

My Theory

Please note in scientific research today there are many causes for autoimmune disease this is what I believe (naturally wanting to become a nutritionist) that most of disease starts in the gut. So let’s start with this our beloved gut lining. The source of what many have told you is the center for immune system regulation. Remember that, how everyone tells us to eat yogurt? Well it’s true but there are many components that contribute to healthy food assimilation.

First - Healthy Flora without foreign invaders (Bad Guys)

Second - Healthy Mucosal-Endothelial Function (Yum)

Okay I will stop with the fancy medical terminology!

To put it simply we need healthy good bacteria to fight off bad bacteria and yeast from taking over our gut environment. We also need healthy lining to our stomach, which is composed of a series of hair like protrusions called villi as a buffer between stomach lining and blood stream to absorb vitamins-nutrients.

In my opinion what becomes the catalyst to these autoimmune diseases is called leaky gut syndrome but stems from molecular mimicry and intolerance. When food passes through your digestive tract, that food is viewed by the body at a molecular level. When the body does not recognize a particle like for instance the protein molecules in cheese and wheat, the immune system deploys it’s antibodies to rid the body of the unknown particle-viewed threat. Now this process by itself is harmless but it is the next that is devastating to health. Since the molecular structure of cheese and wheat proteins are similar to the molecular structure of collagen sometimes the body will mistake your own collagen for foreign proteins and the immune system starts to attack itself. 

Image Source

This causes pain but on a deeper level affects the systems of the body like the immune system, digestion and overall joint function, even sometimes the brain-nervous system. What happen is the body starts to break down the lining of the stomach, the thyroid, and/or the collagen rich linings of the joints in the knees and hands. Inflammation sets in and the pain begins but when the pain has started this means the damage has already been done. Once these processes get to a certain point they cannot be reversed but for many they can reverse or even prevent permanent damage. This is what starts out as an intolerance or allergy and becomes the full blown disease later down the line.

Image Source                Number five is irreversible Celiac's Disease.

Main intolerance indicating symptoms:

  • Nutritional deficiencies due to malabsorption 
  • Gastro-intestinal problems (bloating, pain, gas, constipation, diarrhea)
  • Weight management issues
  • Aching joints
  • Asthma
  • Depression
  • Eczema
  • Headaches or Migraines
  • Exhaustion or Chronic Fatigue
  • Irritability and behavioural changes
  • Infertility, irregular menstrual cycle and miscarriage
  • Cramps, tingling and numbness
  • Slow infant and child growth
  • Decline in dental health

So why are wheat and cheese the main inflammatory bad guys?

Mostly, because of man. Science first genetically modified wheat back in the 1980’s and then started changing wheat DNA by injecting certain genetic features via bacteria. Yup, I just said it. The way scientist genetically modify food is thorough infecting the DNA with bacteria.  They genetically modified wheat to up it’s gluten content to make the bread making process more profitable. Gluten is the substance in wheat that makes it gummy, fluffy and rise so effectively with the aid of heat and yeast while baking. The problem is the body is used to digesting 1/10 the amount of gluten that is present in one piece of bread today. So let me paint the picture for you. The gluten is indigestible so it gunks-up the intestinal tract, the body sees it as foreign, attacks the particles and potentially turns on itself while lastly this contains the liver toxin yeast which will grow uncontrollably causing endless health issues usually treated by antibiotics! The antibiotics given to solve what appears to a medical doctor as a bacterial infection, kill the probiotics that are made to fend off the yeast and bad bacteria. So after the antibiotics you have literally a wasteland of dead bacteria and yeast both good and bad. For most of the American population this will sit in the stomach because of the lack of correct fiber to sweep the toxic burden out! So know we have damaged stomach lining, weakened immune system, bogged down liver and congested digestion! The reason why milk becomes a problem is because we remove the enzymes and probiotics in the pasteurization process that make milk possible for digestion and assimilation. Just to add this in I have mixed feelings about milk but maybe one day I will get into all of that!

So what’s the problem with taking these pharmaceutical “solutions” didn’t the doctors say it would slow the process of degeneration?  

Well yes, this may be true but you should also know the bio-mechanics of what this drug is doing on a cellular level. When you have an autoimmune disease like Rheumatoid Arthritis you have a large amount of this immune modulator called Tumor Necrosis Factor. This causes a lot of inflammation and turns on the body’s pain signals because of immanent or present damage to the body. These drugs suppress of decrease TNF in the body.

Let’s ask another question though, what is TNF normal function in the body?

Tumor (Abnormal Growth of Tissue) Necrosis (Death) Factor (Outcome)

This part of our immune system regulates cancer growth and the infiltration of viruses. So when you take this drug you are also risking your body’s ability to fight viruses and cancer.

Keep in mind that epi-genetics tells us that it is not primarily our genetics which are the most important part to health but that our environment: what we eat, amount of emotional stress and physical stresses attribute to the majority of whether we get a disease or not. Most likely you are still in control of your health, so there are no excuses.

So you want to try the holistic or herbal approach?

If you already have a chronic disease, I cannot help you but an Integrative Medicine Physician, Naturopathic physician or Holistic Nutritionist could help you on this journey. (One day once I get my degree I will be right there for you!)

Now for the people who are already, otherwise healthy and would like to make sure you are maintaining this healthful lifestyle, I would love for you to schedule an online consultation with me! I can help you with easy recipes, detoxification tips and anything else like how to ferment at home or start an at home garden! 

Top 10 Anti-inflammatory Foods

1.       Kelp
2.       Turmeric
3.       Ginger
4.       Omega-3 Fatty Acids- Wild Caught Salmon or Chia Seeds
5.       Shitake Mushrooms
6.       Green Tea
7.       Nettles Tea
8.       Blueberry
9.       Broccoli-Kale
10.   Aloe Vera

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