Friday, July 19, 2013

EWAO Guided Meditation

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Earth, we are one. 

Guided Meditation:
Access your Posture
Are you slouching imagine a string tie to the very bottom of your spine coming out of the top of you head creating a clean line connecting you to the heavens.

Relax your Body
Relax you shoulders, face and other part that is holding tension. Soften or Close your eyes.

Bring Attention to the Breath
Listen to the slow inhale and exhale rhythm to the breath.

Silence your Mind
Imagine a moment associated with a good feeling, focus on a color or word that puts you in a state of joy. Release all thought of what you have to do today, what you did, where you are , who you are. Just be in the breath, in the feeling, in the moment.

We, are one.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Moon Manifestation- Understanding life's energy cycles

Underlying Art
Leonid Tishkov
Private Moon in New Zealand
Photo by Marcus Williams and SP5 Unitec, Auckland , 2011

Disclaimer: This may seem graphic to some men but these laws apply to you 
as well, even if you do not exhibit physical symptoms like women do.

After getting my yoga teacher certification and awakening my chakra pathways a year ago in February, I realized my sacral chakra was wounded. Not only did this awareness come to realization but shortly after I realized to completely heal this, I needed to get off of my birth control. May of this year 2013 right before my birthday I decided to get my Mirena and IUD out before going to visit my mother. She lives at the beach so I knew there would be tremendous healing within this trip. I didn't realize that it was the first super moon of the year. That weekend was magical and everything came in divine timing. At my birthday dinner I was eating overlooking the bay where a pod of dolphins played underneath the light of the full moon. I received my first period in five years in June on the New Moon and as I felt this rebirth I found some information that I feel I must share with everyone, including men who are open to hearing about it.

I realized that woman had always been presented as the moon and in this I realized the synchronicity of my first returning cycle. Women are supposed to be synchronized with the moon cycle. The moon electromagnetic frequencies sync with our Pineal gland, which releases proper hormones to signal your proper cycle. With technologies running rapid and lack of connection to Great Mother-The Moon, our electromagnetic frequencies may be off.  Do not fret for I will tell you ways later to get back “in-sync”. Through this connection that woman became the first Shaman or Medicine givers within a tribe, Anthropologist and Archaeologist alike have found this to be true. Woman first understood the movements of the earth and circle of life. The Sanskit word for ritual and menstruation is the same - r'ku. The word root for menstruation mens, is the same for moon, month and measurement. The first measurement of time, the first calendar was based on the menstrual cycle. These energies present as so:  birth, growth, full bloom, harvest, decay, death, rebirth. Or just like the Earth's seasons or personal life cycles: Spring - Maiden, Summer - Mother, Autumn - Maga, Winter - Crone. It's the characteristics of each of these weeks are the opportunities for the spiritual practice: Week one resembles Spring energy. Week two Summer. Week three Autumn and Week four Winter. This is how all life cycles and how to understand the manifestation process within the universe.

Week One- New Moon (day 1 - first day of bleeding - day 7): Death Rebirth Phase. Winter energy.

 Inwardly focused  quiet. On retreat or wishing you were or creating situations in your life so people will leave you alone (for example fights). Life review. Visions of how it might be this new cycle. Letting go of ways or beliefs and attitudes that no longer serve - both metaphorically with your prayers and intentions and literally with your blood. Spring energy, building as your blood stops flowing.  A time for metaphorically planting seeds for the new cycle. During bleeding: "I feel quiet, inward", "I don't want to be disturbed".  After bleeding: "I feel soft, a bit vulnerable", "I feel as if I'm peeking back out at the world " "Here I come again".

Week Two (day 8-14): High Energy Creative Phase. Summer energy.

 Increasing physical, sexual and creative energy building to a peak at ovulation. 
Urgent creative feelings. Heightened awareness of self and others. More interested in physical appearance. "I feel happy, excited, full of energy", "I can do anything!"

Week Three (day 15-21): Coming Down and Harvest Phase. Autumn energy. 

Post ovulatory descent - can be positive or negative, a sense of pride or failure. 
May experience feelings of failure or elation depending on what you achieved from your creative peak in the few days after your egg has died unfertilized. "I lost my chance", "I feel useless". 

"I am so awesome, look what I did!" May feel relief or regret (at not being pregnant, literally and metaphorically). Feelings of wanting to get rid of unnecessary things around you or in your life. 

Wanting change. Things or ways of being that are no longer working for you show up. This may be confronting or a relief or both. Depending on how long you've been ignoring these promptings will depend on how you react to them showing up again. This happens to get your attention so you can let go of them in this and the next phase. "Everything seems to be hard", "Nothing feels like its working". "I've been so busy, I'm so glad I can rest now".

Week Four  Full Moon (day 22-28):Distillation and Clarity Phase. Winter energy. 

Lessons from this cycle are available to be seen and felt. 

Either glad of the where you're at with your life or fed up (again). 

Feeling ready to let go and surrender or feeling frustrated and annoyed. 

Less interested in everyone else, less available emotionally to others. 
Inwardly focused. "Don't ask me to do anything, leave me alone" 

"I get it now, I'm letting go of this and not taking into my next cycle."

Ways to honor the menstrual cycle 

The flow of the energy through the cycle gives us the clues for how to honor it. It's a good idea to let the people you live with know if you are going to change the way you do things at your bleeding time. Their support will be important to the success of you implementing these life changes. 

Week one 

Retreat from the busyness of the world, even just for an evening. 
Before approaching new moon manifestation have a relaxing bath by candle light with essential oils. Try geranium and rose. 

Create your moonlodge or red tent, this is as much a state of mind as a physical space:
Wear particular clothes or jewelry when bleeding, red stones or appropriate crystals. This can also serve the purpose of notifying the people you live with that you're bleeding. 
Suggestions from Cassarne, my crystal advisor: 
Two crystals resonate with the bleeding time and the choice can be made depending on which the wearer is more drawn to. 
Carnelian: this relates specific to the sacral chakra and our creative centre, it brings balance to the female sacred organs and empowers the feminine in its process. 
Moonstone: provides a balancing healing energy, especially of the emotions which may be in a vulnerable and fragile space. It assists in the balance and awareness of our hormones in their "dance" through our cycle. It is also a lovely stone to wear when its one's bloodtime as it reminds us of our connection with the moon and all her & our rhythms. Moonstone reassures us when we are in retreat at this time. 
Garnet could also be worn purely because of its deep blood red hue and its resonance to our physical experience at this time. Plus it keeps one grounded and strengthens the healing energy of the Earth with our heart. 

Experiment with dreaming by asking particular questions of your dreams. 
Invoke a particular Goddess archetype to be with you during your bloodtime, perhaps Maeve or Kali. 
Draw or paint. 
Meditate - with or without questions and perhaps focused on what it is you will let go of with your blood this cycle. 
Do gentle exercise such as walking in nature and consciously connecting with it. 
Feed yourself well. 
Use special linen at bloodtime, like red colored! 

Be kind to yourself - go with your flow! 

The bleeding phase of the cycle is as if a monthly enactment of a vision quest. On day 3 of your cycle, just like in a vision quest, do a meditation and ask for a vision. You will be gifted with a vision to inspire and fuel you for your next cycle, write about it, draw it and refer back to it. 

Once you've stopped bleeding, when you are ready, gently reintroduce yourself back into the world.

Week Two 
Use your creative energy, make something (make your own pads). 
Express your sexuality, beautify yourself, be indulgent. 
Celebrate the energy of your ovulation (just like you would the full moon). 
Dedicate your egg to something you wish to give the creative life force to.

Week Three 
Celebrate what you have achieved, created, succeeded in this cycle and let go of what you haven't. Don't be hard on yourself. 
Start to notice the things that aren't working in your life in readiness to let them go with your blood. 
Don't start any new projects, rather finish things off.

Week Four 
Be ready for your approaching bloodtime, adjust your plans around it. 
Cook in preparation for your retreat time. 
Make a pot of hearty soup that you can easily feed yourself and everyone else from during your bleeding time. 
Slow down. 
Start to imagine how you want your next cycle to go.

"The whole menstrual cycle is an alchemical process in itself, during which every woman who bleeds goes through a transformation inside herself. To menstruate means to live through a cyclical transmutation in which the past is shed and the new in embraced. Experiencing this transformation through conscious ritual awakens us to our connection with the cycles taking place all around us and to our relationship with all life." Lara Owen - "Her Blood is Gold"

Much inspiration, gratitude and words of wisdom from:

Tahini Dressing (My Favorite)

Yellow Onions, 
Green Pepper,
Suflower Oil, 
Lemon Juice, 
Soy Sauce,

Monday, July 15, 2013

10 Decisions that will change your life & impact the world awakening.

1. Deciding that you have the power to change any circumstance in your life through perspective

2. When you choose to make your work what you’re passionate about. 

3. When you surround yourself with positive people.

4. When you start having gratitude for what you already have.

5. When you discover the simple things that make you happy, and do them every 

6. When you choose to give your time and energy to others, including yourself. 

7. When you work toward embracing what you currently can’t change. 

8. When you take the time to just stop and enjoy the moment you’re in. 

9. When you love who you actually are. 

10. When you know you want a change, because it’s the first step in changing. 

So you start by changing yourself.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Awakened Wednesday Gateway Explorations

First I want you two to give a summary of what life was like before you met each other.

Harriet: How can one summarize a life? Here's my best shot: My life was at 90% before meeting Adam.  Although 90% is an awesome score for a life, I remained a bit detached, feeling as though I was missing something, but not sure what it was.
Adam: My life is this gloriously beautiful and intricate spiral; growing, unfolding, blossoming.  It took me places I never dreamed of and beyond, and due to the nature of my journey, one of the first things that I learned was how to be happy and complete within myself.  This is something that I think everyone should learn how to be, regardless of our different roads and stories.  While I am whole within myself, I always hoped that I would get to experience the completion of my energy by finding someone to share it with.  I had somewhat grown into the notion that this was not going to happen, and stopped looking, and that is exactly when the universe will surprised me.

How we met, how we fell in love and how we ended up creating a business together (3 parts)

I. How We Met

Harriet: How much time do you have? Let's started with a commute to Denver for a date in March 2010.  The date didn't go quite as "planned" (whatever that meant to me at the time), so I visited a local yoga studio, Vital Yoga.  I enjoyed the studio so much I got on their newsletter.

Fast forward to March 2012. immediately after I'd added "International Yoga Retreat" to my physical bucket ( that I'd given myself for Christmas, and I see an email from a "Kindness Yoga."  I didn't recognize the name, so I nearly deleted it, thinking it was a part of the stream of 100 spams I get per day.  Something made me open the email and I realized the adorable "Vital Yoga" studio in Denver, had changed names to become "Kindness Yoga." I barely made it to the contents of the newsletter, because my eyes were drawn to the side column where I saw  "Don Miguel Ruiz in Costa Rica! Dec 3-10, 2012."  My heart froze.  I love Don Miguel Ruiz, but I hate the beach.  For some reason though, I felt I needed to be there.  So I called the number listed and nervously asked if space was still remaining on the Don Miguel trip.  "Ummm, it's over 9 months away, yes.  You're good.

Adam:  During the year of 2012, I experienced a glorious renaissance; the rapid and exponential growth I experienced during this time was incredible.  One of the things that unfolded from this was a new business created with my partner.  Among other things, this business provided a base for me to begin sharing my energy work and healing with the community.

I received a call from a friend, asking me to attend a meeting about sharing my healing at a yoga retreat that was happening at Sugar Beach Hotel.  I remember the retreat from the last year, it was with Don Miguel Ruiz, and two of my neighbors shared their Reiki with the group.  I was happy to be invited, and even happier for the chance to share my gifts with others.

I composed a flier that shared my picture, my history, and a description of my healing art.  People began to sign up for healing sessions with me, and I excitedly obliged.  I touched many people very deeply, helped them see themselves and their choices clearly, and helped them see how to empower themselves and move forward in the direction they want to go in life.

On the third day of healings, I was making my way to the guesthouse of my next client.  Being a wizard myself, and having no concept of time, I arrived exactly when I needed to, precisely when I meant to.  I reached forward to knock on the door, and the instant before my knuckles hit the wood, the door was pulled open.  What I found inside made me cock my head slightly to the side, smile, and think ‘OH!’  What greeted me was a beautiful woman, and I was instantly aware of our connection and the potential it entailed.  With no attachment, I thought, ‘how exciting, let’s see where this goes!’

II. How we Fell in Love

Harriet:  Quickly, easily, undeniably and deeply

Adam:   Yes.

III. How we started a business together

Harriet: Our talk of having a business together doing retreats started by about day 2.  I think we came up with the name right around Christmas, after I’d given him a massage while wearing a onesie. There’s a deep meaning as to how we arrived at the name “Gateway Explorations,” but that’s another story...

Adam:  It was such a passive, easy, and obvious transition.  We both had the same intent, were both heading the same direction, and now we had each found the partner that we had been looking for to accomplish it with.

It seems you two embody the promise of "true happiness is through exploration and following your heart!" Tell us some of your adventures.

Harriet: During my first healing with Adam, I had a vision that I was barefoot, pregnant, married and living in Costa Rica with him.  This was 20 min after we met.  I freaked at what I’d seen and realized I had a choice right then.  Do I return to my 90% awesome life in Utah?  Or do I go for the 100% with Adam?  I chose to go for it.

Adventures: A few of many: meeting Adam’s entire family in Chicago for Christmas 17 days after we’d met, effecting the power at the Superbowl with just our conversation, Adam proposing to me in a trailer park in Colorado, and me being able to witness him changing the life of everyone he encounters.  He’s the most remarkable, interesting, brilliant, romantic, timeless, funny and kind man I’ve ever met, so every day is a bit of an adventure in itself with him.  I’m lucky.

Adam: Every single moment is an adventure, no matter what it looks like.  We can be hiking up a mountain towards an energy spot hidden in the jungle, or going to the store to buy some eggs.  Every moment is saturated with love, overflowing, and this makes the seemingly mundane moments, and even the moments of transition, beautiful.

Gateway Explorations in my opinion is not just about yoga and spa package vacation, it seems to be the answer to one’s higher calling.

Harriet: Gateway Explorations was founded as a way for us to create a life together in Costa Rica, utilizing my networking capabilities from my yoga community, Facebook & my Spa in Park City, UT.  The business is rooted in love.  What we can offer for our guests is boundless.  I’m excited to see all the directions it takes.  We’ll soon be expanding into healthy lifestyle trips for singles, couples, massage workshops, and unique self-empowerment trips.

The yoga is just a small but treasured area of focus for Gateway Explorations.  Each of our Ceremonies will have a yoga component to them, but the yoga will be among the myriad of means to enjoy yourself every day.

Adam: Yes, it is about finding oneself, one’s excitement, and learning how to act upon these things.  It is a ceremony, a week long gathering with a constant intent, where we all put our energy in the direction of being ourselves completely and growing into wholeness.

Yoga, the beach, the connections, and the incredibly relaxed and supportive atmosphere all facilitate the growth into love and gratitude.

What’s the purpose of Gateway Explorations

Harriet: To help people connect in interesting & meaningful ways.

Adam: To promote coherence between the internal and external environment of a person, to heal the universe into wholeness by healing ourselves.

What services do you offer and what types of relationships do you build with the people you meet along the way.

Harriet: A relationship begins the moment someone contacts us to inquire about a trip.  I enjoy hearing the perceived resistance people come up with, “I wish I could but I don’t have the money...” I then help them work through why they don’t think they have money and what they’re doing to change that.  It’s about helping people see through the eyes of abundance, rather than scarcity.

Adam: I don’t believe there are different types of relationships.  I believe there are relationships, connections that span an entire spectrum.  The nature of these relationships may change within our lives, and may cover different levels within this connection.  It is my intent to help show that with every connection that we make, with every person that we meet, we are once again meeting a long lost friend that we have known for our entire existence.

Both of you seem to be spirit and science explorers. Explain your daily routine.

Harriet: I get up naturally between 5-6am, I make my Chia Seed shake, make my coffee, take my dog out (or try and get Adam’s dogs out of bed) and wait for Adam to get up, probably 3-4 hours later.  We then spend the day coming up with new ideas on who knows what, finding better ways to do something and having breakthroughs of various sorts.  That’s an average day.  I’m a Type A Yogi who LOVES business and networking.  Adam is the wizard scientist.  We’re a perfectly flexible yin yang blend together.

Adam:  I have no routine.  I have intents that I hold every day, disciplines that I do, but I do not force that into any set routine, I let it unfold naturally.  I will live in the moment, and my excitement or awareness will bring me to a particular activity.  By doing nothing, everything that I intend gets accomplished in its own time and its own rate.  Sometimes this infuriates Harriet, who likes schedule and definitive answers.

How did you first come to awakening?

Harriet: First, I had to die and come back.  That happened when I was 16.  It’s been a slow journey of taking back and  realizing my power ever since. Going to massage school certainly helped, along with all the extreme heart breaks and happiness that I had along the way.  I’ve had a few wake up calls since then that involved various injuries and close calls...the Universe kept trying to get my attention.

Adam: We are all already awake, already enlightened.  What changes is our awareness and acceptance of this fact.  We manifest infinite, although many of us are conditioned and programmed with a certain belief structure, a way to think and perceive our universe, and the choices to make in certain situations.  What many of us must do is start to rid ourselves of these thought patterns and choices that create resistance within our lives.  Catalysts come along the way and help us move through this process, sometimes much faster than we are prepared for.  Personally, a death experience gave me the chance to do a complete reset and shed myself of a lot of unnecessary thought patterns in my life.

Do you remember when you realized you were infinite beings?

Harriet: I’ve gotten glimpses of connection to myself throughout my career as a massage therapist. I quickly realized my massage was different and my ability to connect and work on people went far deeper than the muscles.  I began to embrace massage as a two-way sacred energy exchange.  Slowly over the years I’ve taken more time for yoga and meditation, and therein began to seek some some bigger and more difficult questions about my purpose, visions & dreams.  I knew Don Miguel Ruiz would have the answer for me in Costa Rica that December, so I booked my ticket so that I could ask him in person, “How do you say YES to Love? I need the bullet points please...” 
Adam:  I think it would be better to ask when it was that we forgot, and then remembered.  I was aware I was infinite as a young child, and thought that everyone else was aware of this as well.  Through the constant formation and erosion by society and institutions, I lost sight of this fact.  I didn’t realize how much until one day I didn’t know how I had gotten to the place I was.  So I changed directions and began to get things out of the way of the awareness of my infinite nature again.

Explain a favorite meditation or healing practice you do in your life.

Harriet: Every night, Adam and I go through the day and tell each other stuff we noticed and loved.  It’s such a gift. Adam also has a way of just looking at me and I melt, bringing me back into the ceremony me of the NOW.  So that leads into another of my favorite practices with him: “the meditation on worry”.  It goes something like this:
“I’m feeling stressed about Zona (my dog) coming to costa rica”
“Is there anything you can do to help Zona right now babe?”
“Then be here now and look at the beauty around us.”
“Sheesh. Fine”
Adam is amazing.

Adam:   One of my favorite intents is ‘show me what I need to see.’

Who were your inspirational teachers and gurus along the way?

Harriet: My dad, my dogs, my successes, my failures, She-Ra, Malcolm Gladwell, Elizabeth Gilbert and Don Miguel Ruiz.

Adam:  In addition to many spirit guides and ascended beings, every single moment and every single interaction has shaped me on my path to wholeness.

Any plans for the future? Where will the two of you be going in 2014 and beyond? Any goals or missions?

Harriet: Adam helps remind me that today and the NOW is all we have, so I try to focus there. 2014 is pretty far away, so who knows where we’ll be.  As my Zona dog is headed to Costa Rica to meet Adam’s dogs next month, I believe our roots are planting deeper there. If you’d asked me a year ago if I’d be with the love of my life, living in Costa Rica and starting a new company with him, I probably would have smiled and thought, “how exciting! but doubtful.”  And look at where I am.

Adam:  To infinity, and beyond!  Who knows what it will look like.  I hold the intent, don’t worry about the how, and am then amazed by what unfolds.

Do you believe you can help people see & open to themselves more clearly?

Harriet: Yup.  By just being ourselves and being in love.

Adam:  Of course, but only if one chooses and allows themselves to open.

Explain your favorite healing practice.

Harriet: Working on Adam is my favorite healing practice.  I heal myself by helping him.  It goes both ways.

Adam:  Being in the now moment, connected to Earth energies and open to the cosmos and high vibrational energy.  I also love to invoke/feel/be unconditional love, gratitude, peace, joy, and abundance. And of course being with Harriet.

Share a unique life lesson with us/experience

Harriet: I’ve been through a lot that’s tested me for sure. From moving to a new town when I was young, to nearly losing my life in 1994, to moving out of the house while in high school, to having multiple shoulder surgeries from Kayaking, to breaking my back rock climbing, to traveling the world with sports teams doing massage, to traveling Asia by myself, to getting beautiful tattoos, to hunting down Dr. Wayan (Eat Pray Love) in Ubud Bali,  to knocking out 4 of my front teeth with a ski pole, to falling in love with Yoga and letting it save my life.

The day before I met Adam, I sat down with Don Miguel Ruiz in Costa Rica and  asked him how do I say Yes to Love.  He told me to say Yes to myself first. So I went back to my room and wrote down what I loved about myself and my life, then realized I needed to make some tough changes when I got home.   I needed to clear some energy, so I went for a walk around the resort, and found Adam’s sign-in sheet in the lobby of our hotel. “Chakra Clearing and Energy Balancing” and he had an 11am spot open the next day.  Perfect, Just what I needed to help me along my journey. 

I quickly realized that my connection with Adam was the 10% that I was missing.  But more importantly, that 10% turned out to be 100% of everything I needed in a perfect partner...

The Lesson: (1) Trust the perfection of the universe and (2) never forget the pleasure of the journey (3) If you get a chance to change your life, take just might change your life.  And if it does change your life, let it happen :)

Adam:  Fortune favors the bold.  You will never achieve all of your dreams and beyond if you never take the chance and choose to make choices in that direction.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Sweet Beet Canning Recipe

Found a great recipe on how to pickle beets! 

Check out this recipe to make your own sweet fermented beets from 

Food in Jars Blog 

This is one of the best ways to eat beets. Fermented and pickled beets are a superfood that have been used for ages to lengthen life span. They contain this ability because of the combination of liver cleansing tri-methyl-glycine groups which help rid your body from toxins and also contain healthy probiotics like the ones found in your yogurt for digestion and immunity support! 

If you'd like to learn more about how probiotics or healthy bacteria are being scientifically proven to enhance brain function and what foods to eat to get more of these little helpers.

  • 10 pounds beets, any size or shape
  • 4 small or 2 medium onions
  • 8 cups apple cider vinegar
  • 4 cups water
  • 2 cups honey
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 7 tablespoons pickling spice (your own blend or a premixed medley from the store)
  1. Sterilize 7 quart jars or 14 pint jars and lids.
  2. Peel and slice the onions. Add a handful of onion slices to each jar. Wash the beets, and trim off the beet greens and long roots. Steam the whole beets until fork tender (about 40 minutes). Allow them to cool. Cut the beets into wedges, slices, or bite-sized chunks, and pack them into jars, leaving 1/2" headspace. Add 1 tablespoon of pickling spice to each quart jar (1 1/2 teaspoon per pint jar)
  3. In a medium pot, bring the vinegar, water, honey, and salt to a rolling boil. Pour the brine into the jars, leaving 1/2" headspace.
  4. Wipe the rims of the jars with a paper towel, and screw on canning lids until finger tight. Process in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes (as per OSU Extension Service's guidelines).