Tuesday, June 11, 2013

What is Tantric Tuesdays on S2A?

"Tantra is the name scholars give to a style of meditation and ritual that arose in medieval India no later than the fifth century CE." -Wikipedia. 

Check out Strength to Awaken every Tuesday to learn about this ancient art and science.

Each week I will be sharing with you a different ancient teaching:

Tantric Tuesdays is a sum of what Tantric Yoga has to teach us, it is the study of microcosm through the study of macrocosm. The observance of actions we do on a large scale to enhance and tap into the ancient self-sustaining properties of the microscopic being. Tantra Yoga draws on all of the sciences from astrology, astronomy, numerology, alchemy, physics, Ayurveda, psychology, ancient geometry and the list goes on! It is a way to try to enhance our life force!

Meditatio, Yoga, including breathing techniques, Patanjali principles and postures (asana), is employed to subject the body to the control of the will
Mudras or gestures
Mantras or syllables, words and phrases;
Mandalas & Yantras, symbolic diagrams of the forces at work in the universe

The process of sublimation, it's three phases:
Reaffirmation of identity on the plane of pure consciousness

Patanjali Principles:
The Eight Limbs of Ashtanga
1. Yamas – ethics – the five restraints
Ahimsa – Non-violence
Satya- Truthfulness
Brahmacharya – Control of the senses and celibacy
Asteya – Non-stealing
Aparigraha – Non-covetousness and non-acceptance of gifts
2. Niyamas – religious observances and reflection
Saucha – Purity, cleanliness
Santosha – Contentment
Tapas – Austerity
Swadhyaya – Self-study, study of scriptures
Ishwara Pranidhana – Surrender to God’s will
3. Asana – steady posture – physical exercises to gain mastery over life energies and the body.
There are 840,000 poses according to the Yoga Shastras of which 84 are important.
Shaktiananda Yoga teaches all of the main poses with their variations.
4. Pranayama – Control of prana or life force – breathing exercises to gain control of the vital breath.
5. Pratyahara – withdrawal of senses from objects; stilling the modification and fluctuations of the mind.These first five steps constitute the external or indirect means to Yoga (the final state of Liberation), while the following three steps are called the internal or direct means to Yoga.
6. Dharana – progression in concentration, mental control.
7. Dhyana – meditation; working with various nerve centers, steadying the mind.
8. Samadhi – achieving the superconscious state

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