Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Awakened Wednesday Interview-Earth,we are one.

S2A:When did you become awakened? 
 When was your first memory of waking to the spiritual reality, the higher consciousness?

Kevin: Wow that's a lot haha. Okay, I had always felt different. Like aware of the deceptions in our world. Only when I got talking to a co-worker in Amsterdam did things really shift into gear. He told me about a book called Conversations with GOD and I remember saying, your kidding right? no one has a conversation with GOD. but that day I went out and brought the book. I think I finished it in 3 days. I guess my first truly "out of this world experience" was when I was about 4 years old. I went with my mum and dad to Ireland, the Cliffs of Moher on the west coast. Me and my dad leant over the edge to drop a big rock and once the rock hit the ocean I looked a bit further out at sea and saw a Massive castle in the water, it was white and glowing. It did not resemble a castle as we know them, but this was incredibly beautiful. I said to my dad, "Pa, look!" and pointed but he did not see it, and after that I never spoke about it anymore.

S2A: Who are the spiritual leaders or teachers that you look up most to and learn from?

Kevin: My favorite teachers must be Buddha, Eckhart Tolle, Neale Donald Walsch, Gregg Braden, Dr, Wayne Dyer. There are to many to name, but here are a few. And I love the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu.

S2A: Tell us more about your typical day, what are your daily practices 
to get into your creative flow?
Kevin:My typical day and creative flow? hmm, I have not been doing to much in the form of creativity lately. At the moment I am taking time out. I have been feeling a bit weak and slow. The docs are not sure what is going on, but I hope to get on the Gerson Therapy soon. I normally do Yoga, and I enjoy walks on the beach. I used to do a bit of writing, but not anymore. Writing seems to intense a hobby for me at present.
S2A: When was it that you thought to make Earth, we are one. Explain the process that made you establish Earth, we are one. Can you explain it’s popularity?
Kevin: I set out with the intention to create a page with a name something we could all agree upon. The words Oneness and Earth resonate with Everyone. In terms of content, we post a mix of things. From inspirational to things that will get you thinking and questioning the world as it currently is. I think the reason why it is so popular is because people want to feel connected. Everyone on that page knows we share a connection to the earth and each other.
S2A:Do you have interaction with the other like-minded people of your page? If so how do you go about connecting with those people?
Kevin: I have regular contact with other big Facebook pages. We help share each others content and help each other out whenever the opportunity arises. When laying contact it was either me or them that instigated it. from there on out its been a good collaboration since. The more pages we collaborate with the better.
S2A: What are you doing to give the world the strength to awaken?
Kevin: Hmm, what am I doing to help the awakening. Well for me its "Earth. We are one." our new project which is a collaboration with other page called "Global Meditation Movement" and our Community which we started only 2 weeks ago called "EWAO". The GMM will continue to grow as awareness spreads. We hope that in say a few months time we have 100,000's of people joining in the Worldwide Meditation. The evidence suggests that when this happens, we will literally change the vibration of love on earth. So this is one very exciting project, and the good thing is it does not cost any money and we don't have to go anywhere. We are also setting up a website that will have a Countdown for the Global Mediation, this way no one can miss it or mistake when the time is on. EWAO is a Community of awakened people's. People that are waking up to all kinds of happenings that are taking place. From Government Corruption, to Monsanto, Ancient History, ET presence, Free Energy, Eating Organic foods, Universal Consciousness... The list is long. You name it. Its a coming together. And its very exciting to see so many people on there so consistently. People asking for help, people just want to talk about what interests them, people making connections and so forth. Its become a real hub - that's what I like. I like bringing people together.
S2A: What current projects are you included in or have started yourself?
Kevin: A project I started? I have been writing a story since 2004, and I hope to make a video and place it on YouTube  I hope to get some funds to help me get on the Gerson Therapy through this. Lots of things happening, but for me I am letting other pages run my page and take care of EWAO for the meantime, while I stop spending time on the computer and just focus on taking things easy.
S2A: How/where do you see yourself/your work a year from now?
Kevin: I have no idea where I will be in a years time. 
There is lots happening, and my since I am taking a bit of a back seat I guess  time will tell.
S2A: What is your next project if any?
Kevin: I have no other project in mind at the moment. Except letting what is unfolding now.

S2A: Share your unique life lesson or end message if you have one?
Kevin: My message to the world? Its very simple really.
If we be who we are and let all our intentions come from 
a place of Oneness we will have World Peace very soon.
I hope this helps. 

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