Thursday, May 30, 2013

Spirit Science

A dear friend asked me this the other day.
“Can you explain to me what your "beliefs" or 
overall thoughts of this world with us in it are?
What were supposed to do?
I’m just asking for your opinion”
Here is my answer.
My “beliefs” as you put it are like this:

Man-Humankind are the ones who have separated things in this physical world.
I believe in a co=existing science and spirituality outlook.

Let’s start with science:

In science we know that everything around use is made from energy. Energy being the smallest form of anything in the entirety of the universe.
There are three laws that energy must obey and always has:

1.      Moves in form, through form and out of form.
2.    Always will be and always has been
3.    Neither can be created nor destroyed

If you ask a theologian about what God is in ANY religion he will tell you this same definition.I think that people get lost in the definition of what religion is.
They are so busy defining what religion is right or wrong that they miss the point of religion.To refine and uplift the spirit, not only your own but others as well.Whichever path you choose, which ever religion you chose is only right when it is benefiting the growth of spirit and nourishing a community with love.

I like combining Quantum physics and Spirit science.

If you think about it energy is everything around us, so we are made of the same thing as the chair you are sitting on or the computer/phone you are looking at. Not only the physical world but also the intangible, like your thoughts and feelings. Spirit science tells us that since our thought and feelings are things or vibrations that the majority of thoughts/feels repeated create what is around you. Essentially you create your own world. Or you could look at it as it is all under your control because the world is based on how we react and perceive this reality.

There is a great Buddha, which to clarify Buddha is not just one chubby jolly man popularized by western culture. Buddha means a person who has attained full enlightenment. This Buddha would go into institutions or correctional facilities and teach yoga/ meditation. The philosophy he would teach would be, "yes, there are prison bars keeping you from the outside world but no one can imprison your mind." If you choose to see imprisonment as a chance of rebirth as the universes way of giving you the time your spirit needs to cleanse and heal, you will transform. The prison bars become a place of joy. The mind is where it all begins.If you choose to see a situation as negative and detrimental, it will be but if you see each moment as bliss and liberation, the echo will bring about positive experience.

You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind.” ~Mahatma Gandhi

By choosing to view a situation differently we are creating a different positive path for ourselves. We create our own reality. That reality is not only that we create our own environment by how we react to it but that we are a part of that environment because we are connected through energy. I think the problem with ego is not confidence to better yourself but in the idea that you are separate from all around you. When you make a decision it will always have an effect. Even what you decide to think about in your own minds eye.

I think we are supposed to love. We are supposed to love ourselves in the sense that we do not sacrifice the freedom and well being of others. I think we are supposed to love others because essentially they ARE YOU. What is interesting is the more you lift positive emotions in prayer and meditation, the more the universe answers this call. It is not asking in a logical sense, the universe answers by feeling alone. Always follow clear minded peaceful bliss. If you are on the right path it will feel pure, exciting, and joyful. If it does not, then you need to ask the universe in sense of prayer and meditation, from a place of good feelings; what the next step is.

If we look at things in a sense of science once again, the physical world becomes second to the energetic world. For example: Most people would think that there are no thoughts without the brain but science and quantum physics suggest that thoughts exist without the brain because the energetic world exist first. 

In Christianity this truth even rings true:

"I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations." -Jeremiah 1:5

You are the prophet to the nations as well because as a society most do not follow their own footsteps because biology has wired our brains to follow what the majority of our tribe is doing. Hence mainstream media and advertising has an such an effect on us. God knew you before you were formed because we are the past, present and future. We are integrated, not separate. We are in everything and in a large sense we are powerful creators. Imagine if all of us realized this and came together as realized creators?

“And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” –Matthew 10:30

He would know every thought, every hair, every star in the sky because he is that.

In my opinion, people forget that the bible was written by man. They forget to start asking their own question. They forget to have their own conversations with God, the greater united consciousness. Man is the one who hates, who judges. God in my opinion does not judge but is an observer, a deliverer of love and a summary of perfection not in man’s eye but is perfection because God-the universe is the sum of all possibilities in the universe. He is what you and I are a part of. He well be and always will be. Can neither be created nor destroyed. We are eternal beings set on this earth to become an elaborate fractal, an ongoing echo of love.  Become the creator-Become the healer. 

What I am trying to say is: 
No one can define you but you.
You are not different from him/her in what we are made of.
We are meant to love ourselves, what we do in life and others.

Want to learn more?

Check out these Videos & Links:

The Secret

Dr Amit Goswami - 'Consciousness, Quantum Physics and Being Human

Bob Thurman: We can be Buddhas

Belief Thief | Bashar

The 4 Agreements

I Heart Huckabees

The Peaceful Warrior

Hidden Human History Movie - Hypothesis for Consideration Purpose Only! [Extraordinary Theory]

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