Monday, January 27, 2014

The Message from the Aquarian Age Gateway has Arrived.

Pluto opposes the Black Aquarian Sun.

Once again the New Moon approaches and I see all of us-the collective crawling away, hiding in the shadows, the quiet contemplative restorative space of reflection. Pluto whispers it is time to face the shadow aspects of our own human nature, that we can pass through and emerge into light whole-as one. No longer in need of the defenses, separation, illusion and denial which frequently keep us in the darkness of the unconscious but now the truth is being unveiled, the fog is dissipating.

Never have we had such a powerful opportunity to transform ego and pain which hold us back and keep us from birthing the Aquarian Age. The Aquarian Age is about ascending into a society that is not separate. It is not about "feeling down on yourself" or being the victim of identifying and dragging along all of the painful experiences in your life.

Look at them, release them, drop them. You are not those experiences.

Ego is not over-confidence in yourself as most believe it to be. it is more so being blinded from the fact that we are all one. That God-The universe moves through and is a part of all of us. We are the brother and sisters of human and intergalactic connection. Thinking we must carry the past, or pain of any sort in order to "serve" ourselves, repeating self served Karma, to keep pouring salt in the wound as a reminder that we are that experience; is the grandest illusion in the great dream called the ego. Once this is fully realized the ending Age of Pisces will be complete. Pisces is the sign of the dreamer and this reality is now disappearing.

You are not your past. You are a free and infinite soul made of pure love. In the only true moment in existence. Now.

The truth is in the letting go process, let go of the idea you are in control and know that all is already taken care of, the end to your suffering. The sacrifice is over and the dawning to the age of inner peace, bliss and supreme inner happiness is within us. No where outside of us. No one is going to initiate this but you. So, if not for all of society transforming, at least do yourself and humanity a favor and just let go.

It doesn't interest me what you do for a living.

I want to know what you ache for and if you dream to step in that direction. If you dare to ask the question of where the pain comes from instead of accepting the world's hurried request to numb it.

It doesn't interest me how old you are.

I want to know if you have kept the spirit you had as a child dear to your heart and alive.

It doesn't interest me what you did in the past or what you plan to be in the future.

I want to know if you realize you are an embodiment of pure love.

Know all of life is just a mirror of yourself and you will finally understand.

It’ll take honesty, vulnerability, and loyalty to truth. 

Like the Aquarian I wait with my vase, my vessel empty free of egoic attachment to my past channeling the gifts, the pure essence of life within the universe to be poured in. 

Infinite truth and unifying unconditional love.

I am stripped bare. I accept all parts of me and outside of me. I am open. I am free.

It is time.

Namaste, we are one.
Ho' apono apono

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Stages of Twin Flame Relationship

Recognition and Temporary Spiritual Awakening 

Both twins recognize one another at the soul level and feel as if they have met before. Synchronous events surround the union, the heart chakra open and both souls quickly merge into a third unified energy. Both twins experience an acceleration of spiritual understanding.

The Purpose of the Recognition Stage & Temporary Awakenings Stage: To activate the memory of each soul's life mission and to help awaken each twin to higher levels of consciousness.


The initial temporary spiritual awakening (illumination) fades. The ego (little self) begins to reemerge. One or both twins may attempt to fit the relationship into the "old model” of love, couple hood and relationship as it relates to their ego desires and learned false beliefs. Inner conflict arises.  Twins ruminate on what they were taught to believe their beloved "should be" and how relationships are supposed to serve them. Both twins feel simultaneously inspired and toppled by power of the union. Doubts creep in, making one or both twins begin to view their beloved critically or suspiciously.

The Purpose of the Testing Stage: To cause outdated mental concepts about relationships to rise to the surface to be cleared.


The crisis of the twin is realizing they must either reject egoic beliefs about love relationships or reject their beloved. Having to shed "little self" or identity based beliefs and desires to embrace a higher expression of love can lead to stubbornness and anxiety. Fear can take hold, triggering many habitual dysfunctional emotional patterns. In staying present with the patterns, they can be witnessed and released. Despite fears, both twins naturally come together in cycles for bonding, confession, forgiveness, and lovemaking. These rituals cement higher levels of consciousness into the energy fields of both twins.
The Purpose of the Crisis Stage: To provide opportunities for healing and maturing of mental and emotional bodies.
Runner Dynamic
The human spirit naturally fears annihilation in the face of the divine unified consciousness encoded inside the twin flame union. The pain body rises up and old ego survival mechanisms or "bottom of the barrel" emotional and mental patterns like defiance, resistance, manipulation, anger, punishing, and judgment arise. One or both twins become emotionally and mentally flooded with deep pain from what feels like a soul level, rejection and abandonment. The unbearable soul level pain leads one or both twins to withdraw physically and block communication in fear and futility. One or both twins may also unsuccessfully try to re-create the original unified harmony.
The Purpose of the Runner Dynamic: To propel both individuals toward God for healing and maturation of the spiritual body.

The direction and outcome of the relationship is surrendered to God in full faith and trust that the union is under divine protection. It is accepted that what is best and destined for the final physical harmonization with conspire in its own time. (Both twins must reach illumination in order to harmonize in the physical) The "runner" twin is allowed the space and freedom to choose to evolve at their own pace in their own way.

At this stage, the frequency of compassion returns and maintains itself. The surrendered twin holds a heart space for their beloved while fully exploring life on way to becoming an illuminated human. This may be a time of channeling unconditional love into art, music, writing, teaching, active service or some other creative outlet.

The temptation to engage in ego battle or withdrawal is very seductive and difficult for many to resist, which is why many twins never reach Surrender, Radiance or Harmony. Try to remember there is no room for judgment in twin soul pairings. Each soul learns much from walking its own path and choosing through its own will. Your non-attached loving thoughts will be felt by your beloved in the subconscious, keeping them strong.

Purpose of the Surrender Phase: To help each soul release the ego, develop regular communication with God and demonstrate their full trust in God to do what is best and when.

Self-Realization, Illumination and Radiance

The ego or little self-dies and God-force energy takes over. This leads to a complete spiritual awakening, arriving at one's fully awakened divinity. This is the stage of radiating divine love rather than seeking romantic love. At this stage, the surrendered twin's emotional, mental, spiritual bodies arrive at full maturity. New creativity and healing abilities arise, which are put in service to assist others.

Purpose of the Radiance Stage:  To establish an outward flow of divine love through one's body and works, which vibrates at a level that uplifts humanity.


By this stage, both twins have awakened. They come together in the physical assimilate their newly evolved energies, flowing into new dynamic of their unified potential. Both twins integrate fully into the third energy of unconditional love in a way that influences others towards their own heart opening.

Purpose of the Harmonization Phase: To fulfill the intended mission of the Twin Flame union. Twin Flame Relationships come into your life to help mold you to embody the vibration of unconditional love.

For more on spiritual inquiry visit: Emerge Grow Prosper

Monday, January 6, 2014

Set Yourself Free through Life's One and Only Law.

There are laws that apply to all of us.

For example: When anyone jumps off a building whether you are a good person or bad person, you are going to hit the ground.

In science we know that everything around us is made from energy. Energy and frequency being the smallest form of anything in the entirety of the universe. Thoughts and feelings can be measured in the brain as waves or frequency meaning they are energy.

There are three laws that energy must obey and always has:

1. Moves in form, through form and out of form.
2. Always will be and always has been.
3. Neither can be created nor destroyed.

If you ask a theologian about what God is in ANY religion he will tell you this same definition.

Therefore thoughts and feelings are energy, meaning you have a direct connection and embodiment of God (whoever that is to you) within you.

Whether you call it prayer, manifestation or meditation. We attract the sum of the frequency we are resonating meaning, we attract what we think but MORE SO WHAT WE FEEL THE MOST.

If you don't quite understand this yet do not worry. You don't have to. Do you know how electricity works? I don't but I do know: You can cook a man's dinner with electricity or you can cook the man.

So do yourself a favor believe in yourself, follow your joy. Allow yourself to be the divine embodiment of the splendor in your deepest dreams and desires.

What would you feel like if your dreams had come true?



I am so grateful for my abundant life.

Namaste, we are one.


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Supporting the Sacred Male

Original post December 30,2013

I have heard so much of holding space for the divine feminine which is essential 
but what about the sacred male?

I am holding such a loving healing space for all men within this dominant society of the world today. Today in our society the male is told that he must provide for the women and yet have no emotion about it. He is in charge to be the leader of the world, yet most are not shown his internal compass. 

With such sayings echoing in his subconscious as, "Man up" or " Stop acting like a Child" Men are given great responsibility to provide and guard yet not being taught how to ground this energy or emotion to do so. A true warrior knows that his efforts are not effective unless the inside battles have been won first but our society does not allow this. 

So many women have then experienced "Bad Boys" or "Man Children" while this is not our responsibility to "heal" this space for males they come to us because women have been allowed this space their whole lives. There is an untouched and purity of heart in a women that men seek within themselves. And this space is free flowing and open because we have been allowed the release of emotions unlike our dear male counter part. This manifest as a "Bad Boy" someone who has buried the memories of childhood and has created a thick layer diversion to deal with the outer realm, to be accepted and loved by society. Then there are the "Man Children" who want to heal the child by being the child and do not want to be pushed into the mold of current societal construct. 

Men need to be provided NOT JUST BY WOMEN but by their male counterparts space to be themselves. In other words a place to tune into the pure love and heart space that a woman does. The place where the SELF-CONSCIOUS and over compensation through ego turns to SELF- AWARENESS there becomes a soft yet strong harnessed power in this space. This goes for male and female, so that they are both balanced within the male and female energies. The key here is for all of us to start allowing a level of vulnerability and acceptance for both parties. Real Self Examination requires COURAGE and DISCIPLINE. This is a message for all women,you can not heal those wounds for him, you can open the space (meaning supporting his growth) but he must drive this change internally.

There is a great quote that says, " A man once asked his father," Father, how will I ever find the right woman. His father replied, " Forget finding the right woman, focus on being the right man." 

Don't just be a male, be a man. 
In the peaceful warrior sense.

Don't just strive for external perfection of your body, peel through your emotional layers.
Don't just strive to be dominant in society but connect with your heart space.
Don't just strive for intelligence but seek wisdom from the spirit.
Don't blind-fully move through your primal attraction but become aware of how you want to be satisfied and the space you create within that.
Become a true and constant explorer of your mind, body and spirit. 

You will be surprised how you can be met so fully in all areas of life.

You will then be able to truly satisfy the needs of a conscious woman by:

Not simply staring at her beauty but seeing every layer of her being.
By not just flirting with her mind but connecting with her heart.
By not just lusting for her body but craving and achieving satisfying intimacy with her soul.
By not only taking her to bed but creating a unique space so trusting and passionate that you both feel safe to explore the depth of both your desires.

When we look within we gain everything that is with out.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

My Secrets on How to Deal with Trolls (In Real Life and Online)

When it comes to any dilemma whether it be in a group chat forum type environment
or out in the real world, here are the messages from my higher angels,
 I have been relayed over the coming days/weeks.

You are either the advocate or the alchemist in this process. 

About five years ago, I could be considered an "energy vampire" (that is a story for another time) an attention seeking person using negative behavior, self pitying or words to suck energy from others.
 but a light bringer or light worker knows that all areas in life can be cleansed, re-alchemized and nothing can penetrate his/her being or space without first the permission to allow to be disrupted. 

A troll is only a troll if given attention or responded to in a negative way. You can only be hurt if you allow it to effect you or take it personally.  Being a light worker it is our job to see these "trolls" as confused energies projecting their confusion onto us. We have the power in the knowledge that we can cleanse the space by responding always through love or just frankly ignoring their temper tantrum attention seeking habits. 

All you have to do is see it in the right light and then you see their true intention.

All things either come from love or are a cry for love. 

As an admin on EWAO with almost 70,000 people and growing, I understand it is not my responsibility to censor what others want to say since in my communication with ET's, higher angels, my higher self (what ever you would like to call it) you do not censor humanity, you allow it - it's process and in that comes the beauty of choice, enlightenment and finally 
"self realizing salvation"

Once we realize that we are one with the "energy vampires" or "trolls"
that we all have a negative side within us if we feed it, 
we realize it takes feeding them for them to "thrive".

 Let me further elaborate...

It is always our reaction to there action that either gives them power for more negativity.

How can you teach and educate when you will not share the light 
with anyone unless asked or provoked? How can you change someone by ignoring them?

For Example: I have a 5 year old when he has a tantrum, I do not "pop" his bottom because then I become the target for anger within his own self started demise and misery. If I let him have his tantrum or put him in time out, ignoring the negative behavior, he then comes to his own realization on how to fix things himself. People who are hurt are sometimes the same. 

Another analogy rings true here, a man was watching a butterfly hatching from his cocoon. The new butterfly tried and tried to get through the little hole in the end, but no matter how much it tried, it could not get out. So after watching this for quite a while, the man opened the hole, and let the butterfly out. The butterfly crawled out, and the man, pleased with himself waited for the butterfly to fly off. After 5 minutes though, it just sat there. He looked at its wings, and realized that they were stunted and malformed. That little hole was more important than the man knew. If the butterfly can not go through the process of working it's way through the hole, the biochemical lubricants in the butterfly's body can not squeeze out and disperse into the wings, pumping them up to be able to fly. By helping the butterfly, he doomed him. 

Sometimes it is not about the end result, its about the process.

It is about the journey more than the destination.

They need the space to come to their own answer and healing.

We help each person by embodying love and diving deeper within ourselves into self mastery to understand what drives ourselves and others. 

All of life are just mirrors, reflections of self. 

The more we clear the space within, the more it echoes with clarity without.

A response I often hear is: I was simply defending myself. 

While someone throws the first punch, 
if  you choose to stand to defend yourself and give one back 
you are just as much standing to receive a punch. 

Do yourself a favor follow many of the eastern philosophies,such as martial artist do
and duck the punch.
Deflect the ill intent.

 The words or actions can only hurt you if you see what he/she is saying or doing as valid.
OR if you see why he is acting out as the true causer,
since each person has the internal choice of what upsets him anyway.

Many eastern cultures have talked about alchemizing your space for the preparation in battle. 
One of the biggest teachings is that, if there is no enemy within, there will be no enemy without. 
The other perspective is that there is no room for defeat if you realize you're
"opponent"  is a part of you, therefore there is no room to be defeated or to win.
 If you look at most eastern forms of combat they are revered as the most successful, based on self-defense rather than self-offense. They deflect the physical attempts to make contact to wear their opponent down, while expending little energy themselves. They know that energy is precious and needs to be reserved and utilized intentionally.

Another common question:

No one likes to be disciplined, yet it is a great way to learn. Should murders be ignored, rapist and the like be ignored? There should be consequences for bad behavior in general. 

Yes, this is the typical question most of society asks.

 This is simply addressing the symptom rather than the causer for the dilemma you speak of. 
Why are there murders and rapist? 

Because of a society of suppressed people who are not allowed to come to their own answers. 

We are told what we can and cannot do but we are not taught why we wouldn't want to make the decisions because of how that would make everyone in the situation feel. The rules then become the mental block to someone's feelings and organic questioning process of "Why would I want to rape or kill someone?" There is no benefit to this if truly examined thoroughly through the heart space but we do not teach people how to feel, our society just gives rules.

 We are caught up in a society who wants to answer all of the questions for you, who want to be right but do not want to do what comes from the heart and allow each man his own process of feeling that personal truth. 

Therefore he, the follower - follows empty rules without knowing why and demands to be right in all situations without feeling that maybe you do not have to be right. That maybe you just have to be in love in all moments and maybe this would lead to happiness for everyone. 

So, if you are one in the many who are working through this dualistic structure of right and wrong. The thought process that all wrong actions should be forbidden or condemned (banned), then would you acting negatively in your defense not fall into the category of a negative action? 
Warranting also your own condemning?

Oh I see, so I suppose that we will cause greater confusion and attach more rules by saying that if it is in defense of ourselves than a negative action is then justified? 

Not so. 

Have you ever heard of the story of the girl that was about to get raped by a man outside a concert, she chose to kiss him and the man not understanding, perplexed by her actions and dissatisfied by not causing fear, ran away and left her to escape to her freedom. 

It is all in our reaction, we are either contributing to the problem or we are being the cure to this epidemic disease which is hate. We can be in defense of ourselves and others by moving always through kindness and through intentional words/actions rather than hateful/condemning actions, there is no exception-there is no separation. 

Even in defense we should act through love, we should choose to be the solution-the answer to the call of love within all of humanity.

New Moon Talisman or Amulet Cleansing - Manifestation

It can be done in the first two weeks of the New Moon while the moon is waxing.

Ahead of time: Take a bowl of water and leave it out under the waxing moon.

Find a piece of crystal, coin or jewelry that will be your talisman and place it in the bowl of water.

-a white candle
-good quality incense or sage smudge stick
-your diary, calendar, phone
- what you use to organize self.
-a length of ribbon or string
- long enough to tie around bag strap.
- a rosemary essential oil
- your workbag, child's school bag, hand bag.

Go out into garden, or sit quietly inside.

Have all your ingredients close by, light the candle and say out loud

"If it be for the good of all, I ask that I and (insert names) have an enjoyable and successful year. Bring us joy, prosperity and (whatever you would like to add)

Light the incense or sage and breathe in the aroma.

As it is smoking, pass your diary, phone (organizing tool) through the smoke along with the talisman from the bowl of water.

Chant the following 3x: "Wisdom and light, make all right. No more yearning, success and learning."

Take the length of ribbon or string and drop a few drops of rosemary on it.

Tie the ribbon to your bag, child's bag as a lucky talisman.

Thank the Universe, then ask "What should I do next to start my month off well?"

Allow the answer to come to you naturally, while the amulet lay in the water for the next 48hrs under the moon.

 Keep the amulet with you, in your purse, around your neck or office drawer to assist in attracting what you have asked for.

2014 The Karmic Year

The number 14 in numerology is a Karmic number.

What you put in is what you get out.

All of infinity is embodied in this moment.

Happy New Now.

Many a wise sage has said all of infinity is embodied in one moment. There is only now. 
Our future is creating our past just as our past is creating our future.

This year there is an alchemy to integrate the independence and self-initiative from last year since it was about showing us our potential and plunging us into the uncleared spaces. Some of us have seen 2013 as a year of hardship, a year of drastic change but this process is important to be opened since the clearing process is all about seeing what needs to be cleared with non-judgement to be able to transform, to become a clear vessel of love and abundance. If this space was provided, this will be a year to initiate that dynamically fine tuned being into unity of  your community.

This number is one of everlasting movement and brings about immediate delivery of the of our thoughts and actions. The Karmic gap is closing, what vibration are you resonating? Meaning what thoughts and feelings do you have on a constant bases? Are you paying attention to them? These formulate your reality. This year there is an aim to try for progressive change and a push for the final joy of renewal and growth. Remember though what comes with change often appears as chaos.

Just know there is a method to the madness.

There will be a great need in life is to achieve balance, harmony, and temperance; outside ourselves within and without. If we act intentionally we can be fortunate in money matters or have positive changes in business.  All of life is starting to vibrate at a higher frequency changing shape before our eyes. Since there is an acceleration in the ability to manifest our projected realities. We have the motivation to make a success in anything we put our intention on.

2014 is the year of the Amethyst, the year of the visionary.

The year of purple, activation of the pineal gland throughout humanity. The bridge to connect the dream worlds and drive them into reality. We can access a cool collected and creative psyche to have a great deal of natural intuitive wisdom for ourselves and others. There is going to be a decreased ability for the illusion of lies, manipulation and deception to prevail in this time since the great dream and fog is now clearing.

The people are awakening to their internal compass.

Advice for the current time until January 6th

Everyone is excited about ringing in the new year and putting themselves on a fast track to meeting their new goals. It is important to remember that this is a new moon energy period. it is a time for quiet contemplation, organization and implementation planning. Next week will be when the physical energies move through us to push all of our planned projection into motion. 
Take the time, bottle the initiative and embody the results.

If you haven't already, create a New Moon Manifestation Ceremony
I have provided the directions to do so at this above at link.