Thursday, January 2, 2014

Supporting the Sacred Male

Original post December 30,2013

I have heard so much of holding space for the divine feminine which is essential 
but what about the sacred male?

I am holding such a loving healing space for all men within this dominant society of the world today. Today in our society the male is told that he must provide for the women and yet have no emotion about it. He is in charge to be the leader of the world, yet most are not shown his internal compass. 

With such sayings echoing in his subconscious as, "Man up" or " Stop acting like a Child" Men are given great responsibility to provide and guard yet not being taught how to ground this energy or emotion to do so. A true warrior knows that his efforts are not effective unless the inside battles have been won first but our society does not allow this. 

So many women have then experienced "Bad Boys" or "Man Children" while this is not our responsibility to "heal" this space for males they come to us because women have been allowed this space their whole lives. There is an untouched and purity of heart in a women that men seek within themselves. And this space is free flowing and open because we have been allowed the release of emotions unlike our dear male counter part. This manifest as a "Bad Boy" someone who has buried the memories of childhood and has created a thick layer diversion to deal with the outer realm, to be accepted and loved by society. Then there are the "Man Children" who want to heal the child by being the child and do not want to be pushed into the mold of current societal construct. 

Men need to be provided NOT JUST BY WOMEN but by their male counterparts space to be themselves. In other words a place to tune into the pure love and heart space that a woman does. The place where the SELF-CONSCIOUS and over compensation through ego turns to SELF- AWARENESS there becomes a soft yet strong harnessed power in this space. This goes for male and female, so that they are both balanced within the male and female energies. The key here is for all of us to start allowing a level of vulnerability and acceptance for both parties. Real Self Examination requires COURAGE and DISCIPLINE. This is a message for all women,you can not heal those wounds for him, you can open the space (meaning supporting his growth) but he must drive this change internally.

There is a great quote that says, " A man once asked his father," Father, how will I ever find the right woman. His father replied, " Forget finding the right woman, focus on being the right man." 

Don't just be a male, be a man. 
In the peaceful warrior sense.

Don't just strive for external perfection of your body, peel through your emotional layers.
Don't just strive to be dominant in society but connect with your heart space.
Don't just strive for intelligence but seek wisdom from the spirit.
Don't blind-fully move through your primal attraction but become aware of how you want to be satisfied and the space you create within that.
Become a true and constant explorer of your mind, body and spirit. 

You will be surprised how you can be met so fully in all areas of life.

You will then be able to truly satisfy the needs of a conscious woman by:

Not simply staring at her beauty but seeing every layer of her being.
By not just flirting with her mind but connecting with her heart.
By not just lusting for her body but craving and achieving satisfying intimacy with her soul.
By not only taking her to bed but creating a unique space so trusting and passionate that you both feel safe to explore the depth of both your desires.

When we look within we gain everything that is with out.

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