Monday, January 27, 2014

The Message from the Aquarian Age Gateway has Arrived.

Pluto opposes the Black Aquarian Sun.

Once again the New Moon approaches and I see all of us-the collective crawling away, hiding in the shadows, the quiet contemplative restorative space of reflection. Pluto whispers it is time to face the shadow aspects of our own human nature, that we can pass through and emerge into light whole-as one. No longer in need of the defenses, separation, illusion and denial which frequently keep us in the darkness of the unconscious but now the truth is being unveiled, the fog is dissipating.

Never have we had such a powerful opportunity to transform ego and pain which hold us back and keep us from birthing the Aquarian Age. The Aquarian Age is about ascending into a society that is not separate. It is not about "feeling down on yourself" or being the victim of identifying and dragging along all of the painful experiences in your life.

Look at them, release them, drop them. You are not those experiences.

Ego is not over-confidence in yourself as most believe it to be. it is more so being blinded from the fact that we are all one. That God-The universe moves through and is a part of all of us. We are the brother and sisters of human and intergalactic connection. Thinking we must carry the past, or pain of any sort in order to "serve" ourselves, repeating self served Karma, to keep pouring salt in the wound as a reminder that we are that experience; is the grandest illusion in the great dream called the ego. Once this is fully realized the ending Age of Pisces will be complete. Pisces is the sign of the dreamer and this reality is now disappearing.

You are not your past. You are a free and infinite soul made of pure love. In the only true moment in existence. Now.

The truth is in the letting go process, let go of the idea you are in control and know that all is already taken care of, the end to your suffering. The sacrifice is over and the dawning to the age of inner peace, bliss and supreme inner happiness is within us. No where outside of us. No one is going to initiate this but you. So, if not for all of society transforming, at least do yourself and humanity a favor and just let go.

It doesn't interest me what you do for a living.

I want to know what you ache for and if you dream to step in that direction. If you dare to ask the question of where the pain comes from instead of accepting the world's hurried request to numb it.

It doesn't interest me how old you are.

I want to know if you have kept the spirit you had as a child dear to your heart and alive.

It doesn't interest me what you did in the past or what you plan to be in the future.

I want to know if you realize you are an embodiment of pure love.

Know all of life is just a mirror of yourself and you will finally understand.

It’ll take honesty, vulnerability, and loyalty to truth. 

Like the Aquarian I wait with my vase, my vessel empty free of egoic attachment to my past channeling the gifts, the pure essence of life within the universe to be poured in. 

Infinite truth and unifying unconditional love.

I am stripped bare. I accept all parts of me and outside of me. I am open. I am free.

It is time.

Namaste, we are one.
Ho' apono apono

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