Thursday, June 13, 2013

Gain Longevity through Sun Gazing Meditation

Check out Strength to Awaken to learn about this ancient art and science.

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov (1900 - 1986
was a Bulgarian philosopherpedagoguealchemist,mysticmagus and astrologer.

Why do we watch the sunrise? Why do we concentrate on it?  In order to learn to mobilize all our thoughts, all our desires, and all our energies, and to direct them toward the realization of the highest ideal. A person who works to unify the many chaotic forces that pull him in every direction and to project them in a single, luminous and salutary direction becomes such a powerful centre that his presence, like the sun, is able to radiate through space. Yes, he who manages to control the tendencies of his lower nature can spread these blessings over the whole of humanity, and he becomes a sun. He lives in such freedom that he expands the field of his consciousness to include the entire human race, to which he sends the abundance of light and love that pour forth from him. " 
 --by Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov


Sun gazing has made claims to have been proven by NASA I cannot find an article giving proof of this event but that does not mean I completely discredit it. This story speaks to me on a very personal level because of an event that happened to me when I was fourteen. I had just finished eating dinner at my best friends house and her step grandfather and I were left alone at the table finishing the last of our meals since we were both slow eaters. Some how we got on the topic of auras, he said my area was a royal purple color with golden edges and I said his was pure white. From this he looked deep into my eyes, my best friend entered the room and sat down at the table to hear his story as well. Years previous he had gone to stay with his cousin who was a drug addict. The man I speak of did not know his cousin had been doing drugs but was staying with his for a week as a part of vacation. The man- my best friend grandfather- we will call him the sun gazer, said upon entering the house after a long night of being with friends; his cousin mistaking him for an intruder, shot him in the stomach from about three feet away with a shotgun. He was rushed to the emergency room where he was told he would not make it through the evening. Twenty years later he was sitting right in front of me and do you know what he told me his secret was? Sun gazing. In his epilogue he went on to tell me how his body transcended  and he was to a higher realm of consciousness and in this place a being explained how he would live by energy of the sun. He told me that every weekend he drives to the Mountains hikes the same trail where each sunrise and sunset he will gaze at the horizon while sitting on a rock. Grounded to the earth, he explained how the trees and earth exchange energy with his body and give him "clean life force" that is the reason for the white aura. That is the reason why he was sitting in front of me that day and why he felt he must pass this secret on. I had heard nothing of this until this 2003 supposed study of a man (which now is two men) who live primarily on liquids and energy from the sun at sunset and sunrise.

There are many also listed health benefits by the people who practice sun gazing. The primary function is the sun light is said to travel through the retinal-hypothalmic tract. The direct connect to the pineal gland which is recently discovered to be the hub-"master gland" for function and regular of brain activity. Being in the sun or sun gazing has been said to increase vitamin D, melatonin to help regulate sleep healthy patterns and serotonin the "happiness chemical".

Hira Ratan Manek and Prahlad Jani  are the two men who have been made famous for sustaining themselves by sun-gazing alone, which has taken literally almost two decades by both to master this ancient longevity secret. 

"Are there any dangers? 
Doctors and  eye care professionals caution against looking directly at the sun, saying that it will damage the retina.  However, if done correctly, sun-gazing at the correct times of day, studies show there is no risk of damaging the eyes.  Those who have been sun gazing for many years have had their eyes checked to show no damage, though it is advised that you have your eyes checked in the first few weeks of your practice, so you can know for yourself." Read the Full Article

If you are adventurous here is an account of how you can try sun gazing meditation: 

"HRM (Hira Ratan Manek)'s Protocol  

Depending on the weather and the level of commitment this is only a nine month to a year practice. Once you reach 44 minutes of sungazing you are finished. You should not have the need to stare at the sun any longer, your sungazing is complete. 

Sungazing is to be practiced standing bare footed on bare earth. 

Without shoes you can stand on sand, gravel, mud, or bare earth. Your bare feet should be in contact with the bare earth. Try to avoid standing on tar, concrete, granite, stone or even on grass (the grass absorbs the solar energy).  If you happen to stand on any other surfaces, that is fine, the results may simply be a bit different or arrive a bit slower.

While the sun is low on the horizon the intensity of the rays will be at a minimum. During this time, the sun's rays are tolerable, and the UV radiation is lower, so the potential of harming your eyes is lower. Use common sense within these parameters, if the sun is too bright and it feels as though it may be burning your eyes, don't stare at it. The best time to learn about your limits is right as the sun rises or a minute or so before it sets.  According to HRM the sunrise holds more energy, vitamins and minerals then the sunset. Go figure. Personally I recommend the sunrise, energetically it is a beautiful balance of yin and yang. You only need the sunrise or the sunset, both may be a bit much. By rushing about you will not find what you are looking for any faster.  Be careful and always listen to your body.
To Begin As the sun rises over the horizon simply gaze at the whole glowing ball of light for 10 seconds only. The key is to be relaxed, just like in mediation, let go of all thoughts and become immersed in the moment. Simply, look at it. No stress or strain on the face, facial muscles or eyes. Relax your jaw. Stand at peace, knees bent with your arms at your sides.  Let go.

If you choose to get up with the chickens, and try gazing at the rising sun. Stay relaxed and receptive for greater assimilation of the beneficial aspects of the sun's rays. Try to become aware of what your body is feeling, how is your mental, emotional and physical state as the sun fills every atom, every electron, and every cell in your body.  Feel every tissue filled with the regenerative and healing properties that the sunlight imparts on your body. You may notice an amazing increase in your overall energy as well as your physical stamina and positivism. Be aware of how the sunlight actually cleanses and rebuilds the whole of your being, your mind and thoughts, your feelings and your physical body; total rejuvenation. By completely surrendering to the suns greater power, and as the minutes of sungazing increase, the awareness of your energetic being may heighten dramatically. 

There is no need to maintain an unblinking, stare. Blink as and when it naturally happens, sort of like watching television. For the first few moments you look into the sun it may be very bright, after about 3-7 seconds of continuous gazing all the brightness generally goes away and you are left staring into a soft ball of pure white light; a beautiful pulsing orb. 

Don’t squint.  If you feel yourself squinting, relax the muscles in your face and eyes.  Let the light in.  The more open and relaxed the muscles are in your body the more oxygen and energy is able to flow within your cells, and then more light will be allowed in.

You have at your disposal an incredible amount of electricity to make things happen in your world. With the aid of sunlight, you can recharge each cell and atom to its full potential. 

Increase the time you gaze at the sun by a few seconds each day - say by 5 seconds or so per day, until you are comfortable and relaxed with the entire concept of staring into the sun. 

Once you are comfortable with the concept of sungazing feel free to increase gazing time at a constant rate of 10 seconds per day. You may find it helpful to get a watch or employ a friend to keep tabs on your staring time.   Subtle slow increments of time are important for allowing for the rods and cones within the anatomical structure of the eye to adapt to the intense levels light.

Increase the sungazing time by 10 seconds each day until you have reached 44 minutes, at which point you should be fully charged.   At 44 minutes you are finished with the HRM’s method of sungazing.  Depending on weather this may only take nine or ten months.
What to Expect   

Sungazing can be used as a tool for tapping into your human potential. Some change will occur to reach these peaks; your perceptions may alter circumstances, you may begin to change from the inside out.   Change can be uncomfortable.  Nonetheless, when we release our physical and emotional energetic blockages these changes will become trivial relative to the incredible expansiveness of the universe.   If at least three months are committed to the sungazing practice (reaching 15 minutes of staring time) some sort of change of your perception of your world will occur.  

We are all energetic beings, vibrating at different frequencies, so we should be comfortable with the concept that all of us are different. There may be many different reactions, sensations and experiences.  Remember, whatever happens to you is perfect. It is yours and yours only.  At every turn there are lessons to be learned.  It may be helpful to become objective in your approach to life, awareness may prove to be an essential ingredient.  Be positive and open-minded; feel all there is to feel.   

Sungazing causes hungers to diminish?  There are many theories, all of which include understanding the power of light, and the more subtle mechanisms of the pineal gland, not to mention quantum physics.  How is it possible? " Read the Full Article

Fore on the subject watch this short clip:

You can watch a documentary about a young man's journey, Eat the Sun:

Or this German documentary, In the Beginning There was light:

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