Thursday, October 3, 2013

New Moon in Libra- October 2013

First of all I want to give a shout out to a Astrologer named Kaypacha since he was the inspiration for this video! Make sure to check out his Facebook Page

This is the way he put it which I loved!

It's hard to ask on bended knee,
Admitting that you have what it is I need,
But once I do I'm completely free,
And love can grow as I becomes WE.

The New Moon in Libra coming up Friday is an opportune time to redefine our relationships creating more balance, peace, and harmony. This will naturally occur as both parties come to the table with a spirit of free, open sharing rather than fear-based paranoid self-protection. Life will be showing us over the course of these next few months how interdependent we are and we can take this as threatening our "personal reserves" and withhold, or we can take it as an opportunity to unite and experience co-creation

The New Moon in Libra brings in key influences of balancing relationships with self and externally. Since the 1960's there has been a grand square between Uranus and Pluto. Uranus stands for the individual consciousness, personal experience and self. While Pluto stands for the mysterious, infinite and universal consciousness (the soul). For 6,500 years there has been an influence of power, a need and constant display of  ego. We have been told that we need to fear one another that if we give of our-self that we will be hurt that we will be taken advantage of. The Libra Moon awakens the true message from the cosmos our divine mission to balance your relationship with self, love the self and be of service from the heart. The giving then comes from a place where you can not give any piece of yourself, you are complete even with giving from yourself. Even by bowing to another you are still on equal ground.

There is another fantastic influence to support this opposition Uranus to Aries. Uranus stands for how yourself is separate but can implement change into the community because Uranus's astrological sign is Aquarius. The Aquarian is the inventor the bringer of change and the one who pour life giving waters onto the people from self. Where as Aries is more pride oriented and focuses more on inner ideals. This is another dimension supporting the ascension of self into the community.

Saturn in the North Node of Scorpio tells us we need to understand and evaluate our reasons for interdependence and Libra is putting the spotlight right on relationships. This will be a time of change for relationships, because it is asking everyone to examine the self in relation to the other person or external environment. We need to remember that instead of separation in this time being the solution to the interdependence which is actually encouraged by this planetary influence, we need to focus on co-creation. How you relate to other from a healthy point within yourself. I would say this is a very multi-dimensional and challenging aspect. Happy Ascension Everyone!

Here are the ideals to focus on during this time that will help guide you:


I also love this song during this time and since this is an air element is is good to express yourself through vibration, either chanting mantra or singing your favorite song affirming what you would like.

The key lyrics to this song:

What would you do
If it all came back to you
Each crest of each wave
Bright as lightning
What would you say
If you had to leave today
Leave everything behind
Even though for once you're shining

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