Tuesday, October 29, 2013

How to Remove Attachments to Past Relationships

Several people have asked me how to cleanse the body of energetic cord attachments to past relationships and how to release the energetic DNA material from the body. Below is attached some information on cord cutting using Archangel Michael who has long been used for this purpose. Visualize his great sword severing these attachments. Our relationships see us attaching cords of energy at various chakra levels and when the relationship is finished, those cords remain, allowing the other to influence us, or just suck on our energy. I personally know that when I have used this technique the other has contacted me within 24 hours even if I have not heard from them in months, because they feel the energetic disconnect.

If you feel able to, also create a ritual space where you can smudge your entire energy field with sage and for women, squat down and allow the smoke to enter into yoni space, holding the intention or saying out loud that now you release the energy of that person from your body and your sacred spaces. Next, have an Epsom salt bath, using at least 2 cups of salt in warm water. Stay there for 15 minutes and as you pull the plug intend that all the energy of that person released into the water is now being washed down the drain. Make sure to rinse yourself in the shower afterwards.

For releasing the vibrational DNA and the deeper etheric work, you will need a body worker or therapist who is able to help you with this. Put out the call to goddess to find someone and you will usually they will come across your path soon.


Hoping you feel a lot clearer. Let me know of the results you have had.

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