Saturday, June 22, 2013

Moon Meditation Guide

Check out Strength to Awaken to learn about meditation and spirit science.

Instructions on how to do a Moon Meditation:

  1. If at all possible stand or sit barefoot upon the earth. 
  2. Close your eyes or keep them softly focused and feel the moon beams bathing you in cleansing and purifying energy. If you are in the sunlight then go into your bed room make a clean and comfortable spot imagining the moon beams and soothing properties of the moon light. You can also charge a bath with Epsom salts and calming herbs like sage and lavender.
  3. Breathe deeply. Feeling your lungs and diaphragm expand to it's maximum capacity. Pause for a few seconds and slowly exhale imagining the diaphragm as "up flying" or pulling the diaphragm towards the spine. Imagine your inhale and exhale creating a figure eight or infinity symbol.
  4. Imagine all areas of the body releasing tension starting from the feet going all the way up to the muscle of the face. Let go of all muscle tension. Surrender.
  5. Imagine roots from the legs or base of the spine diving down into the earth. Guide this energy up towards the very top of the head or the crown. Imagine a white lotus flower on the very top of your head and through this blossoming lotus flower white glowing pure light is pouring into your body. Covering like a blanket of snow all of the body seeping into each pore. Cleansing your inner being. 
  6. Feel comfort bliss. Now dive down in the earth as exhale. Letting go of anything that no longer serves you. Anxiousness-Anger-Sadness.
  7. Imagining the white light again drawing it from the earths core through you, up each energy center through your body and penetrating into the universes and endless stars. 
  8. Imagine bliss, peace and love showering again back down on the earth. Each liquid crystal of love touch every person on the globe. That energy returning to you as cool, soft, angel wings surrounding you.
  9. Placing your hands in prayer, lifting your hands to third eye center and bowing.
  10. We end by letting our hands come back down to heart center. Saying Namaste, which means My soul honors your soul. I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides. I honor the light, love, truth, beauty, and peace within you, because it is also within me. In sharing these things, we are united, we are the same,we are  one. 

Join me LIVE Today @ 11:30 am EDT 

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Moon Energies

The moon emanates distinctly different energies during the full cycle from new moon to full moon.  Each of the eight cycles facilitates the process of creation and manifestation. The eight phases each have a duration of approximately 28 days. An example and definitition follow:
Day 1-31/2 New moon energy is for creating a vision
Day 31/2-6 Crescent moon energy if for organizing resources needed to accomplish the vision
Day 6-91/2First quarter moon is using resources gathered to take action toward fulfilling the vision
Day 10-131/2 Gibbous moon energy helps us fine tune our goals, gather opinions from others and  make revisions to the plan.
Day 133/4-171/2 The light of the full moon brings about manifestation of, or progress toward our goals.  We can see where we are in the process of realization of the plan.
Day 171/2-21 The disseminating moon helps us distribute and share what we have learned, or to have a clearer understanding of what to do next.
Day 21-241/2 In the third quarter of the moon we are in a completion and review phase, or following up on and refining  the resources we gathered during the crescent moon. Re-evaluation takes place during this time to determine what is needed as a next step to move forward with the goal.
Day 241/2-282Under the balsamic moon it is time to be alone, meditate, retreat, and release attachment to outcome.  It is time to rest and be introspective. During this time vision clears and we are ready to begin again with the next new moon.

Moon Energies Source


  1. Thank you so much! Don't have any other words right now. Just thank you!

  2. Hi Jocelyn!

    Thanks so much for leading the meditation. It was beautiful! I was worried about doing the meditation on my own because I haven't really been meditating and I knew it'd be easy to become distracted... so I was excited to see that you were going to lead it live! I missed the first 20 minutes or so of you talking about chakras and everything, which was a bummer, but I really enjoyed the meditation. I was able to focus for the most part. Sometimes I was drifting, but when you were at the part where you encouraged imagining love and putting that out into the world, I had an amazing sensation of spreading my love across the whole world like a tsunami! It was beautiful and incredibly powerful.
    Thank you again! :)
